andrea lianne grabowski

andrea lianne grabowski is a midwestern lesbian writer occupying anishinaabe land.her writing has appeared in multiple journals and anthologies, treading the grounds of poetry, personal narrative, fiction, and sometimes in between.she is the author of the self-published chapbook there is an earth after innocence and writes occasional essays at stories in motion on substack.a graduate of northwestern michigan college, she served on the staff of their literary magazine, and is a pushcart and best of the net can find her on long drives being inspired by music, working on too many projects, or peering in the windows of abandoned buildings.

"truth wrapped in grave-clothes" in fifth wheel press's GARLAND anthology Issue 1"Dementia and Learning to Hold the Ambiguous Loss of Caregiving" in TalkDeath"faerie cat, prickly pear heart" in manywor(l)ds Issue 2"astrological analysis as alternative rock vs. indie folk" [pushcart prize nominee 2023] and "FTD" in Scavengers 1.2"to loosen, to let go" in fifth wheel press "dreamland" (previously published in NMC Magazine Volume 44 Issue 2, "Freedom")"the temperament of see-through arrows and receding tides" in long con magazine"three hours with papa johnny" in The Ex-Puritan Issue 62: Summer 2023"perception//performance" and "the only good thing" in Mag 20/20"The Night Search" in Just Above Water: A Voyage YA Anthology"at my grandmother's gel pen dining table" in Hot Pot Magazine Issue 5: Mothers"seven things i bought because of you" and "callisto" in Scavengers 1.1"the lone pine party store" and "shelter/decay" [best of the net nominee 2022] in HELL IS REAL: A Midwest Gothic Anthology"winter storm warning" in NMC Magazine Volume 44 Issue 1 "The Anxiety Issue," spring 2022"Astronomy Domine man analysis" and "723 Harbor Drive" in cool rock repository"are you awake on the other side of the world?" in Levatio issue 01 "serenity""inheritance" in Bulb Culture Collective, previously published in Catatonic Daughters Issue 2"a daughter of Eve breaks her knees on the mercies of forever" in fifth wheel press's "flux" anthology"Five Times The Fellowship of the Waffle Stayed Together and One Time They Didn’t" in NMC Magazine Volume 43 Issue 2 "Tumblr 2.0," as editor-in-chief (audio recording)"the last time my father drives to Ann Arbor" and "acacia shadow bears dusty witness" in Cicada Creative Magazine Issue 5 "Catharsis""pareidolia" in Catchwater Magazine Issue 3 "Superstition""temporality of sapphic desire feat. a translucent magenta bic lighter," "waiting to lose the messiah,"
and "downpour forest" in Giving Room Mag Issue 3 "Metamorphosis"
"dandelion hereafter" in NMC Magazine Volume 43 Issue 1 "Pandemic Journal," as literary editor (audio recording)

there is an earth after innocence is a chapbook collecting nine erasure poems based off christian rock albums. using the lyrics of skillet, disciple, flyleaf, and others as vehicles for grappling with mental illness, queerness, and righteous anger at fundamentalism, the poems will resonate with anyone who used to listen to these bands and has since left them in the dust for a future of liberation.

hand-bound copyebook

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